Last week we carried out the second international activity of this project: an International Seminar that taook place in Malaga (Spain) from the 13th the 16th October 2021.
The host organisation was the Spanish partner and coordinator of the project, AIIJ, and the participants of this meeting were three members for each partner organisation and two trainers for the coordinating organisation. The profile of the participants was: 2 professionals in the field of sport (trainers, coaches, instructors, etc. with at least 5 years of experience) and 1 responsible in charge of the implementation of Local Activities I.
The main objectives of the seminar were:
• To improve key competences of participants for their personal and professional development;
• To provide participants new knowledge and skills to carry out their projects/activities of inclusion and social transformation;
• To offer and exchange tools to raise awareness about the inclusion of ethnic minorities and immigrants through sport;
• To create new tools where sport is used for participation and inclusion;
• To foster cooperation and exchange of knowledge, good practices and competences among Programme Countries.
The main activities carried out during the seminar were:
• Presentation of participants and organisations;
• Presentation of Local Activities I;
• Social module, including experiences and good practices;
• Visit to Málaga and meeting with local organisations;
• Pedagogical module and preparation of workshops for Local Activities II;
• Erasmus+ Programme, recognition of learning outcomes and final evaluation.